The things of my head.

Thursday, 25 February 2016


I love a lot of music, and I realise how inherently obvious and dumb that sounds, but there is music I like and then there are certain tracks or artists who take root in my consciousness and start to mess with my thought patterns, and it tends to be the music that has this effect that I become a little obsessed with. I think when I was a teenager it was far more socially acceptable to barricade your friends in a room and force them to listen to a song or an album because it was just imperative that they heard it. And mostly friends were open to that. I find that now there has to be a distinct situation in which it seems ok to play specific music to other people, and there's only so far you can go with that before it crosses the line into some kind of audio-pushing. There is a fair amount of music I like that no one else I know really enjoys or seems to have any interest in, the kind of things that if I play at gatherings the consequence is the wait to see how long I can get away with it before someone euphemistically suggests we listen to something less dense, or complex, or loud, or hard, or trance-inducing. But I guess you can't choose your friends...Oh wait, you totally can choose your friends, but I'm not entirely convinced I want to swap them out for a new batch for the sake of musical taste. I do, however, wish that I could explain to my friends why I get so excited about this music, why I think they should love it too, without them faking an aneurism, or recruiting a team of body-doubles, or moving to set up a Go-Kart business in Malta. So perhaps exorcising the way I feel about this in blog form is an easier answer.

So my intention here is to write about music I really like, and the things it has me thinking about. It's less of a technical analysis and more of a response to the music. I cannot promise it will make any kind of sense.


1 comment:

  1. I vote forcing 'friends' to listen to said music until they understand the gravity to which it pierces the soul. Or change friends. I think my first idea sounds more fun, though.


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